
The purpose of the application

  • Reducing administrative work arising from legal obligations.
  • Forward warnings to truckers on Android phones.
  • Reading and signing the warn on a mobile
  • Storage and retrieval of signed warns.

Legal obligation

  • The carrier or driver is liable for penalties arising from infringements of the rules on driving and rest periods and working hours.

As regards the carrier, the authorities may consider which party (driver or employer) should pay the penalty for the offence, if the employer:

  • It fulfils its legal obligations.
  • It provides annual, occasional training.
  • Checks the driver, evaluates and records his/her data and warns the driver.
  • It organises driver’s work properly.


  • Android 5.0 or later
  • Download from the Play Store

Warnings signed by the driver

The digital signature and the time stamp when the driver signed the document can be verified by opening the signed report with Adobe Reader.

The driver’s signature is also archived with the document.

Note that “Employer signature” was not included in the sample.

Attention! Not all pdf viewers can verify and display the digital signature and timestamp.

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